Omni Speaker Signal strength

In both the Spottune App and Spottune Cloud, you can live-monitor the connection strength between the Spottune stream and the individual Omni speakers. The strength of the connection is represented by signal icons in different colors. - Green, yellow, orange and red.

Signal Strength explanation:

1. Excellent

The green transmission logo indicates an excellent connection between Spottune Stream and Spottune Omni.

2. Good / Fair

The yellow transmission logo indicates a good/fair connection between Spottune Stream and Spottune Omni.

3. Weak

The orange transmission logo indicates a weak connection between Spottune Stream and Spottune Omni.

a. Turn the Spottune Omni speaker so that the antenna side is facing the placement of the Spottune Stream. (The antenna side is marked with the 'Spottune Omni' logo underneath the speaker)
b. Find a better placement for the Spottune Omni speaker closer to the Spottune Stream.
c. Reposition the Spottune Stream to a more central location within its intended coverage area.

4. Disconnected

The red transmission logo indicates there is no connection between Spottune Stream and Spottune Omni.

Tip: is the Spottune Omni speaker turned on? if yes, find a better placement for the Spottune Omni speaker or reposition the Spottune Stream to a more central location within its intended coverage area.

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